Almost any reason that you might have to judge someone is a bad reason, in fact, we are told to not judge anyone for anything. If you are a christian like I am, you would know that the bible tells us that it is not our job to judge, but our job to love others. The next reason why you might judge people, or have been judged is because of the past. The past is in the past, and there is nothing you can do about what has already happened, however, you can change how the future will look (to a certain point). I heard this song a while ago, and I really liked the message it sent. The person you were, doesn't have to be the person you are for the rest of your life, so if you are judging someone because of the way they acted in the past, just remember that they may not be the same person they were in the past.

One thing that I've had to learn, is how to forgive someone, even if they're not sorry. It's hard, but even if you do know why you are holding a grudge, and it is a "good reason" it's not. I mean, no reason is a good enough reason to hold a grudge, and it is hurting you more than it is hurting whoever you are mad at.
What about the flip side? What if you are the person being judged, for a stupid reason?
Well, It's difficult, but you have to be the bigger person, and not let them get to you. If someone is acting judgmental to you, and you walk away, then you are out of all danger of acting hateful or judgmental back to them.
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