Friday, August 26, 2016

No matter how you feel....

All of you have been in that place, where you just lost. Fill in the blank, I don't know what you lost, but it could have been something big, like your job, your home, your family, a relationship, or even your pet. Whatever it was, you felt like you were defeated, and you couldn't do anything. You feel horrible, and you just don't know what to do with yourself.

If you are like me, you don't want to look like you are hurting inside. If the pain you are feeling you think is to hard for you to hid, then you try and stay out of sight. That's not always the best thing to do. It is alright to show that you are in pain, and that you are struggling. However, there is a balance between showing that you are struggling, and letting it get you down to the point where you can't do other things. For example; you had a really good friend who got in a really bad car wreck, and is paralyzed, the doctors said that she/he would never be able to walk again. You are having a heard time processing this, and you feel really bad for your friend. When you are in this situation, you need to go out and talk to other people. You can't sit at home, or by yourself and be completely isolated because you don't want others to know that you are hurting. If your favorite pet got ran over on the highway, and he/she died, you may be really sad about that, but you need to be able to get up, and keep going with life.
There are a few situations that I listed earlier, you just lost your job, you lost your home, a family member or friend..etc. While these situations are hard, you have to rise up, and beat the struggle. It's really similar to what I said in my last post, you have got to beat the struggle. YOU ARE NOT A LOSER! Maybe you have lost stuff in your life, but that doesn't make you a loser.
My point today, was to encourage you to keep going, even when it's hard. "No matter how you feel...keep going"

Monday, August 1, 2016

Get up!!!

When we get knocked down, the enemy (who/whatever that is) want's you to stay down and get defeated. Are you going to let the enemy win? I know I'm not. If you are not going to let the enemy win, than you need to do the opposite of what they were trying to do. If the odds are all stacked against you, and it seems as if everyone and everything wants you to fail, what do you do? YOU SUCCEEDED. It is hard to not let everything get to you, but when you get knocked down, you have two options: 1) stay down, and be defeated, or 2) get up, and not give up. 
The choice is yours, but I'm going with option number two. I hate to be down, and stay there. I know how hard it is to get back up, but that just proves not only to your enemy that you are stronger than they thought you were, but it also shows you how strong you are. 

Picture this with me: You are towards the end of practice, at the start of the season, so you are kind of out of shape. You've had a long practice, and coach says to get on the line. You know that means practice isn't over, and you'll do suicides until you feel as if you're going to die, and then one more. In this situation, it's the same thing. You can either choose to collapse, and be done, or you can choose to push yourself until coach says that practice is over. And if you are pushing yourself to the very end and trip, what do you do? GET UP!!! And finish strong. 

That was an example in sports, but if you compare it to life, it's not that different. When you can either finish strong until you get told that you can be done, or give up, and get beat.I know what I'm going to do, do you?