The choice is yours, but I'm going with option number two. I hate to be down, and stay there. I know how hard it is to get back up, but that just proves not only to your enemy that you are stronger than they thought you were, but it also shows you how strong you are.
Picture this with me: You are towards the end of practice, at the start of the season, so you are kind of out of shape. You've had a long practice, and coach says to get on the line. You know that means practice isn't over, and you'll do suicides until you feel as if you're going to die, and then one more. In this situation, it's the same thing. You can either choose to collapse, and be done, or you can choose to push yourself until coach says that practice is over. And if you are pushing yourself to the very end and trip, what do you do? GET UP!!! And finish strong.
I know what I'm going to do also!
ReplyDeleteI know what I'm going to do also!