Sunday, May 1, 2016


Hey, I didn't publish a post on Thursday because:  I was at my aunt's house and didn't have a computer to right down, then publish what I though, or I got so busy with my family, and school, that I didn't have time to write something down. 
Tell me, what was I just saying? I was telling you why I didn't post anything on Friday right? But what is that called? I tell this to my little brothers all the time, "they are excuses!!!" Maybe that was true, I didn't have accses to a computer, maybe it isn't, you don't know, the only reason you would belive that is because you trust me to tell the truth, which in reality are two totally different topics that we won't get to today. But the point is, I was making up an excus. Which brings me to my next question, why do we make up excuses?
First, we don't like being wrong. No one does.And once you are wrong, or something is your fault, we don't want to be resposible for it, so we make excuses to make it seem like it's not our fault. The truth is, you have to power to make something different. So if it's not, and your excuse is because things just wern't working out at that point, you're really saying that you didn't want to make it different bad enough, so it's still the same.
I found this speech by Eric Thomas that fits with what I'm trying to say, it's a really good speech, and you should watch it if you get a chance!!!

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