The title of this post sounds similar to last weeks post, and I guess it is in some ways, but its different in many ways, so I'm not just saying the same thing over, and over again.

I just got back from the Colorado State FFA convention. If you don't know what FFA is, you can email me, but I'm not going to go into it right now. It was my first convention, and I had so much fun. While it was fun, it was also a great learning experience for me. There were 10 state officers that retired, and each of them gave a retiring address, I was able to listen to 8/10 of those speeches, and they were all really good. There were also key note speakers. I listened to five key note speakers and every thing they had to say was wonderful, and really made me think. Although all the speakers had different life lessons to share I found that they all had one thing in common; and that was confidence. The biggest fear is public speaking, so when someone goes up to talk to a big crowd, they have to have a lot of self confidence and security to say what they want to say. If they didn't have the mentality, "I'm okay with who I am, and I don't have to have everyone else's approval to be happy", they could never survive as a public speaker. When you were young, did you feel like you owned the world? Like you were the best you could be and that was all that mattered? Most of you probably said yes, but then when you got in junior high, or high school, you felt like all of the sudden you weren't significant anymore. (I didn't get this on my own. It was part of one of the retiring addresses) You have to find that you are good enough for you, and if you're not good enough for you, you can change to get better, but just sitting there, thinking that you're not as good as you could be, doesn't work.
Confidence is hard to get, but when you have it, everyone notices. I got back from this trip full of confidence. I'm not sure why, but it was such an inspiration to me, that it changed the way I look at a lot of things.
I was sitting in the food court at Sam's club this evening while we were in town, and I saw a girl maybe around the age of 10. I noticed that she had stitches on the underside of her chin. Now, I've busted open my chin more than a few times, and I wanted to know what happened. So, being the outgoing person I am, I went up to her, and introduced myself, and asked. I'm pretty sure that it surprised her, and her family, especially with me the age I am, that I noticed, and went and asked what happend to her. I would have never done that before, I would have just sat and wondered. That goes along with "Missed opportunities" but that is for another day.I told you this story, because I had self confidence, and because of it, I was able to talk to someone that I had no reason to know, and I was able to find the answer to a question that I had, and it was good.
I have someone my email address, but I think I didn't give them one that would work. Just to make sure, it's:
I would love to hear from you, if you read my blog and have feedback of something that you would like me to touch on, and give my opinion of, I'll be more than happy to do that.
Have a wonderful weekend, and next week!
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