In any situation, there is both good and bad. Now, it might be hard to find the good in everything, but if you really look and try to find it, it will be there. If you are in a horrible spot in your life, and you're just asking why just remember that this situation is not meant to know you out it's meant to know you down. As harsh as it may sound, it's true. It is a test to see if you are strong enough to get back up and try again. I believe that if you get back up, it's not only making you a stronger person, it's proving that you are unstoppable. If you make it through, you know that there will be more trials, but you would have never been able to get through them if you wouldn't have gone through what you have already that makes you unstoppable.If there wasn't a plan to either make you a stronger person or eliminate you it would make the trials in life seem pointless and brutal. You may not be able to see the reasoning behind your situation now, but trust me, when you look back in 20, 10 or even 5 years from now, you will see why you had to go through that, and that you are a better person now that you have gone through that.
I was in a tough spot, and I had to grow up, and find a way to make the best out of what I had, and I know many of you are the same way. We all have trials in life, some early in life, and some later. But everyone has to get through their own situation, and if you have that belief somewhere deep down it makes your situation seem less brutal. That's not saying that it's not bad, and it doesn't seem that way, but it gives you an underlying sense of peace that you wouldn't have if you thought that you got accidentally put in this situation, and you have to suffer unfairly because you don't deserve to be here. Don't lie to yourself, that is a thought that crosses all of our minds, and we need to do all we can to shove it out.
Here is a song for you before you go! IIt is a song that I like, and I think it has a good meaning behind it, and the music video is really good.
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