Friday, March 18, 2016

Why are you happy?

#positive #life #quotes: What makes people happy? Is it someone else, or is it the feeling they get when they are around that person. When people say “you make me happy” do they really know if you are the one making them happy? Could they just like the ways you make them feel? If you make them laugh, and they love to laugh, are you making them happy or is the feeling you are giving them making happy? I think that most people who say that someone makes them happy are confused. However, I do think that a person can make you happy. Especially in relationships, I think if someone has not got along with their parents, and haven’t experienced love and respect at home, met someone who treated them decently, with respect and friendly love, they will instantly fall for that person (whether they are the same gender or not). That person, however, is confused, they think that person makes them happy, and makes them a better person, when in reality, the other person is just treating them how they ought to be treated, so the other person is really in love with how they feel and not necessarily the person. Someone might not like the taste of coffee, but they like being able to stay awake after drinking it, so they drink it. It is the same way with medicine, a person might hate the way the flue medicine tastes to drink, but not throwing up all the time makes them feel better, so the endure the taste of the medicine, and enjoy the side effects. This is how some relationships are. A person might really dislike something about their partner, but they like the feeling of not being single, or they like the feeling of being wanted, or anything that keeps them in the relationship.
For example; Bert and Hera are dating, Hera sometimes lies about what goes on in her high school classes, and Bert knows this, but he is afraid that if he leaves her, he won’t get another girlfriend, and he doesn’t know if he can handle the feeling of being single, so he decided to stay with her even though she lies and he dislikes it. Did Bert do the right thing? Most of you are probably saying no. I agree with you, but be honest with yourself, do you endure things that you hate, just so you can get a feeling that you don’t think you can live without? It doesn't’ even have to be a relationship. It could be anything.

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