Friday, March 4, 2016


Rumors, everyone has had rumors said about them. It started way back in elementary school (or whenever the first time someone said something about you that weren’t true). In elementary school, it could have been that Jerry said that you didn't like Billy anymore and you will only play with Frank from now on or something like that. It might seem a little silly looking back on, but at the time, it was a big deal. However, even now, there are tons of people spreading rumors about you. We can't do anything about the people. But, we can decide how we want to handle what people are saying about us. A lot of times, you hear what someone else is saying about you, and you are hurt. You can't believe how they could be so mean or you can, but you still are hurt and mad that they would be. When you tell your friend(s), or when you were younger, you parents, (or even if you don't tell anyone) the common response is just that whoever was talking about, was just jealous of you. But is this really the case. You hear that they are jealous and you think WHY?  My life isn't interesting.
I can't believe you would believe a someone els over me. Its weird.: I think the best way to deal with rumors is to ignore them. I have had plenty of rumors about me, and I haven't handled all of them how I should have. When I was younger, my parents and older brother always told me "water off a duck's back." It took me a long time to finally figure out what that meant, but when I started using that, it helped. What they meant by telling me that, was that if what the people are saying isn't true, then don't let it bother you. Water doesn't soak into a duck's back, the feathers deflect the water, let the insults and rumors deflect, and don't even pay attention to them. This is hard to live out. Not caring what other people say about you goes against your entire will, but if you can do that, you are going to be so happy.
If you think about it, why do people spread rumors about you?
The answer is that they are looking for attention, and they want a reaction from you. If what they said wasn't true, (and it usually isn't) and you didn't even acknowledge that they had said anything at all, they never get what they want. You didn't react to their behavior, and therefore, they didn't get attention. Now, like most things, not giving the other person attention is easier said than done. But if you can do it, they will get so board with you that soon they'll stop altogether. I think the non-reaction works more efficiently than reacting, and confronting the other person.
For example, a while ago, I heard that someone was mad at me because I was stalking them. That person also said that I had stolen their boyfriend. None of this information is true, and I was a little irritated when I heard this. However, I didn't make a big deal out of it to the person who started it. As a matter of fact, I don't know is she even knows that I know.
Now, I'm far from perfect, I just used an example where I did what I just suggested you do. There are many instances where I haven't done this, and I should have.

If this theory worked(s) for you, please let me know, and if you have a different way of dealing with rumors, I would love to hear about it.

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