Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Cool. Have names worked into scrollwork, could be a gorgeous tattoo. Maybe hubby name  anniversary date or kids names w/d.o.b.,,,,,,,,,,have the kids name & dob in color working around the word love???????:
Love, it's a word that people use a lot. "I love this picture!" "I love this place." and "I love you" are just a few examples. In the Greek language, there is a different name for each use of the word "love". To explain, if someone said I love this pizza, I love my girlfriend, and I love my brother, there would be a different word where we use love. As English speakers, most of us use the word love lightly and throw it around, but could there be a deeper meaning than what we give it credit for? What does it really mean? According to Webster's ninth new collegiate dictionary, Love means " 1 a; 1: strong affection for another arising our of kinship or personal ties 2: attraction based on sexual desire; affection and tenderness felt by lovers 3: affection based on admiration benevolence or common interests. Basically, all of the definitions have to do with affection and lovers. So how did we come up with the word love for pizza and outfits? Humans exaggerate too much! If the actual definition means something with affection, why do we use the word so freely?
The answer is that in the world today, people don't think about what they are saying, and what it really means. 

Where I'm from, people tease each other a lot of the time and don't think much of it, we say things we don't mean and none of us think about it, the important thing is that whoever we are teasing doesn't take it the wrong way. I don't see anything wrong with this, so why am I talking to you about using the word love lightly? The truth is I really don't know. I want to know why people use it so freely, though. 
When dating, people use the word love also, there are guys and girls who will tell the other person that they love them, and they love their personality so much, and blah blah blah... but a lot of the time, in the end, someone ends up leaving, saying that they were wrong.

I guess that my challenge to you is to: only use the word love where it really needs to be.

Best wishes!!!

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