Monday, March 7, 2016

Stay Motivated!!!

Keep up the good work!  Find more fitness inspiration quotes on When you are little, you have big dreams, everyone has a person they want to be like or a job that you are sure that you will someday be doing. But something happens when we get older; we start saying that there are so many reasons that we can't do something. But if you don't try and work towards that dream, what do you have to live for? If you leave your plan for life in elementary school, what's the point of Junior High and High School?
The way I see it is; if you have nothing you are striving to achieve, you have no life. Now that is really strong, and not always true. But while we were younger we were so sure of how our lives would end up. Then all the sudden, we stop.
If there is no reason for you to get up in the mornings, why do you? If you don't wake up with a dream in mind, or a goal that you think ought to be achieved, what's the point of getting up? The simple answer to those questions is; there isn't a reason to get up. When you have something you are working on, you are motivated and you work for what you know needs to be done to achieve your goals. It doesn't matter if your goal is to get good grades in school, you still have to work hard, and study, that gives you a reason to wake up and get your stuff done during the day. Your goal could be anything to do with sports. Making a team, getting a position or starting spot, or just improving yourself as a player and a teammate. That makes you get up and get stuff done, because if you aren't willing to get up while playing sports, you are in trouble. Your dream could be music. You might want to learn to play an instrument, or whatever, and if you just don't practice one day, if you simply take a day off what happens? You get behind, and you miss one day that would have been great for practicing and improving your skills. There are many, many, many dreams out there and I would love to hear about them in the comments.

I guess the whole reason I wrote this down, is just to encourage you all to get a dream, and if you already have one, to keep it, and try your best to achieve it. It doesn't matter if other people think it is silly, or you are afraid that people might think you are silly for having that kind of dream, or goal. DO NOT LET THEM TELL YOU WHAT YOU CAN AND CAN'T DO!!! Because if you don't have a dream or a goal, you don't have the motivation to do anything, and as people today, without motivation, we rarely get anything done.

Stay motivated, have a wonderful week, and you'll hear from me soon.

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